Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sani Peyarchi 2011 ( Simham to Vrichigam)

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Simha Raasi
Courtesy: Raajayogam

The blossom is there.  Sani Baghwan is moving into your 3rd house.  In other words, you are getting from the 7-1/2 years Sani period.

During the past 7-1/2 years Sani Baghwan would have given you untold sufferings and miseries.

Finances would have suffered and health would have suffered.

Now you are coming out of the hard clutches of Shree Sani Baghwan.  Days ahead are the pleasant ones.

Businesses will start thriving and turn out to be exceptionally profitable.  Professionals will get their long awaited promotion or appraisal.  Financial benefits will be exceptional in some cases.

Social status will improve by and large and family relationships will also find considerable improvement.  Strained relationships will restore to normalcy.

Your performance in the office or work place will receive recognition and appreciation.

Long awaited Suba Kaarya like marriage and child birth will happen in a pleasant situation.

People expecting their transfers to places of their choice will get it.

Some will have to undertake a foreign journey on a mid-term basis and this will provide financial benefits.

Long pending disputes or litigations will get resolved amicably to your satisfaction.

Separated families will reunite and start a new leaf of life.

In the overall, this is going to be a period of cheers and all out happiness

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Kanni Raasi

Sani Baghwan is relieving you from the acute hardships of Janma Sani.   The days of untold miseries are gone.   This does not mean that everything is going to turn upside down.  But you will sense the relief.

With Sani Baghwan now in the 2nd place, you will still undergo hardships - but in a milder tone.

There will be financial losses.  The ventures which you conceived as great prospects will push you down into the dark room, where you will not find an easy way out.  There will be struggle in busines and profession.

For some, things will appear as smoothly going and in the end of the day you will stumble upon something beyond which you will find it difficult to move.

Friendships and relationships will be difficult to maintain and sustain. 

Even if you move closer, the extent of sincerety you repose will not be reciprocated from the other side. Relationships will almost remain at a distance with a 'hallo'

Do not take hard and fast business or career decisions at this juncture.

Some will have to separate from the family and travel extensively at a distant place for long. 

The miserable painful separation will train and shape up your mindset for longer separations with greater prospects at some later time.

Be cautious about your belongings.  Do not leave the house in its locked state for long.  A risk of theft is there somewhere around corner.

This is the last phase of your 7-1/2 years Saturn and you need not be scared of anything serious in life.

But the experiences will be painful and as well useful for the future.

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Thula Raasi

Sani Baghwasn is moving into your Janma Raasi. This Raasi, being Thulam, is comparitively in a safe position as compared to the Janma Sani Sani for other Raasis. It is believed that Sani will render lesser strains to this Raasi during the course of his transit. Moreover, during the period until May 2012, this Raasi and well Sani will be receiving the aspect of Guru from Mesham. This will also reduce the intensity of hardship during the period of one year until May 2012.

Sani in Thulam is in his Uchcham status (exalted) and hence his virulence is supposed to be active and intense.

During the Janma Sani period, Sani is bound to give you health related problems. Though not serious, there will be nagging health problems during this period, which will deprive you of your focussed attention on your responsibilities. This in turn will reflect upon your relations in your work environment.

There might be some risk associated with fire during this period.

Relations with colleagues and supriors will strain and you will find a tough time with your employer. As well, if you are running your own business, this will have an impact on your relationships with your employees or sub-ordinates. They will evade responsibilities and will not be helpful in the progress of your business or profession.

Some will go nearly to the extent of quiting the job they are doing. It is better to remain calm and take a passive decision in compelling situations and try to stick on to the job.

Finances will be like walking on a tight rope. It will be difficult your manage your expenses with the available resources and you will have to raise new loan and kliabilities to keep yourself going.

Some will be impelled to undertake a foreign journey though your domestic conditions will not permit your separation. Some will have a sorrowful news from close relatives. In the overall, this is going to be a tough period ahead for another 3 years

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Vrichiga Raasi

You are just entering into your 7-1/2 Years Saturn period. This is called the "Ezharai Andu Sani" period.

When Sani Baghwan enters the 12th house, the Ezharai Andu Sani period commences. The first phase of - that is when Sani is in Thula Raasi, it is called Sirasu Sani.

This period will normally will give all kinds of problems in life in such a manner that you can understand what life is.

The basic thing that this period shakes is your financial stability. Unexpected expenses will arise from unexpected quarters when you are already suffering a paucity of funds.

Expenses will over-run the income. The earning potential will shrink or even stalled and the expenses will not stop. You will have to adopt a very conservative economy in order to keep things under your control.

Your employer or superiors will turn a hard and indifferent face towards you. All the hard work you put in will not receive any recognition or appreciation. Instead, people will be keen on finding fault with your performace and will try to reduce your stability.

There might be - in some cases - a sudden loss of job or dislocation or you may be shifted to a most uncomfortable position in your office.

Some people will have to seek a foeign job in order to keep the situation under control. Such persons will have to leave their family under distress and you will not have any other option except accepting the foreign opportunity. A foreign employment will give you some relief from the economic distress and yet, it will not totally offset the economic crisis.

Be cautious that you do not spend money on account of a foreign job. This will be a risky factor during this time period. You may have to lose the money.

Mental tension and strain will prevail and you should be courageous enough to withstand the test of time.

Do not venture into any new business during this period. It will end up in a debacle.

In the nutshell, you should be prepared to face a tough time ahead

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bhagavad-Gita in US colleges

Bhagavad-Gita among the readings at prestigious Ursinus College of USA

Ancient Hindu scripture Bhagavad-Gita (Song of the Lord) was one of the Fall 2010 readings at prestigious Ursinus College in Pennsylvania Well known Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, described this action of Ursinus as "a step in the right direction" as students should have knowledge of the entire society to become full participants in the society.
Rajan Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, urged the schools/departments of religion and philosophy of major world universities to strengthen their Hinduism sections. Hinduism being the oldest religion with rich philosophical thought and a vast array of scriptures needed more exploration. Zed especially asked the Harvard, Cambridge, Yale, Princeton, Oxford, Stanford, Columbia, McGill, Australian National, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Heidelberg, Uppsala, and Utrecht universities to further enrich their Hinduism resources.
Students of Ursinus, located in Collegeville and founded in 1869, come from 32 states of USA and seven foreign countries and each one of them is issued a laptop computer. John E. F. Corson is Interim President while its alumni include author J.D. Salinger (The Catcher in the Rye), Nobel Prize winner Gerald Edelman, etc. (ANI)
Article source:

An American church celebrated Diwali

An American church celebrated Diwali

In a remarkable interfaith gesture, First Universalist Church of Norway (FUCN) in Maine (USA) celebrated Hindu festival of Diwali.

According to reports, its minister Reverend Richard Beal, in Diwali worship service on November seven, read from ancient Hindu scripture Bhagavad-Gita (Song of the Lord) and Rabindranath Tagore and said: enjoy the real Deepavali, by attaining illumination of the soul...Celebrate the real Deepavali by living in Brahman, and enjoy the eternal bliss of the soul...Merge yourself in this light of lights and enjoy the supreme Deepavali.

Well known Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, welcoming the interfaith gesture of FUCN, said that religion being a complex and powerful component of our lives, a more broader and inclusive approach to religion was needed.

Rajan Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, stressed that all religions should work together for a just and peaceful world. Dialogue would bring us mutual enrichment, he added.

Mission of FUCN, founded in 1799, is "to nurture spiritual growth", and it is affiliated with the Boston (USA) headquartered Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), whose roots go back to 1793. Unitarian Universalism is a religion with Jewish-Christian roots. UUA has about 1,041 congregations and estimated number of its adherents is about 800, 000. Peter Morales is UUA President while Bernice Martin is FUCN Board President.

Largest of Hindu festivals, Diwali, the festival of lights, aims at dispelling the darkness and lighting up the lives and symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Hinduism is oldest and third largest religion of the world and moksh (liberation) is its ultimate goal. (ANI)

Article source:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Do Hindus believe in reincarnation?

Do Hindus believe in reincarnation?
Courtesy: Hinduismtoday
Hinduism believe the soul is immortal and takes birth time and time again. Through this process, we have experiences, learn lessons and evolve spiritually. Finally we graduate from physical birth.
Carnate means "of flesh," and reincarnate means to "reenter the fl esh." Yes, Hindus believe in reincarnation. To us, it explains the natural way the soul evolves from immaturity to spiritual illumination. Life and death are realities for all of us. Hinduism believes that the soul is immortal, that it never dies, but inhabits one body after another on the Earth during its evolutionary journey. Like the caterpillar's transformation into a butterfl y, physical death is a most natural transition for the soul, which survives and, guided by karma, continues its long pilgrimage until it is one with God. I myself have had many lives before this one and expect to have more. Finally, when I have it all worked out and all the lessons have been learned, I will attain enlightenment and moksha, liberation. This means I will still exist, but will no longer be pulled back to be born in a physical body.
Even modern science is discovering reincarnation. There have been many cases of individuals' remembering their past lives. These have been researched by scientists, psychiatrists and parapsychologists during the past decades and documented in good books and videos. Young children speak of vivid past-life memories, which fade as they grow older, as the veils of individuality shroud the soul's intuitive understanding. Great mystics speak of their past lives as well. So do our ancient scriptures, the Vedas, reveal the reality of reincarnation. Reincarnation is believed in by the Jains and the Sikhs, by the Indians of the Americas, and by the Buddhists, certain Jewish sects, the Pagans and the many indigenous faiths. Even Christianity originally taught reincarnation, but formally renounced it in the twelfth century. It is, in fact, one of the widest held articles of faith on planet Earth. Elaboration: At death the soul
leaves the physical body. But the soul does not die. It lives on in a subtle body called the astral body. The astral body exists in the nonphysical dimension called the astral plane, which is also the world we are in during
our dreams at night when we sleep. Here we continue to have experiences until we are reborn again in another physical body as a baby. Each reincarnating soul chooses a home and a family which can best fulfi ll its next step of learning and maturation.

After many lifetimes of following dharma, the soul is fully matured in love, wisdom and knowledge of God. There is no longer a need for physical birth, for all lessons have been learned, all karmas fulfi lled. That soul is
then liberated, freed from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Evolution then continues in the more refi ned spiritual worlds. Similarly, after we graduate from elementary school we never have to go back to the fi fth grade. We have gone beyond that level in understanding. Thus, life's ultimate goal is not money, not clothes, not sex, not power, not food or any other of the instinctive needs. These are natural pursuits, but our real purpose on
this Earth is to know, to love and to serve God and the Gods. That leads to the rare and priceless objects of life: enlightenment and liberation. This Hindu view of the soul's evolution answers many otherwise bewildering questions, removing the fear of death while giving assurance that each soul is evolving toward the same spiritual destiny, for the Hindu believes that karma and reincarnation are leading every single soul to God Realization. 

Send a SMS to GOD.

Remember God at all times.


'Remember God at all times'
Shevlin Sebastian
First Published : 19 Dec 2010 11:50:00 PM IST

Once a month, Prema Pandurang, the renowned preacher of Hinduism, goes to the Sri Venkateswara temple at Tirupati. One day, while she was standing in the queue, she noticed that the chairman of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam was sitting in the VIP enclosure which is placed very near the Lord.
"I told myself, 'You have to be a chairman to sit in that place,'" says Premaji.
"I am just a preacher."
Ten minutes after the chairman left, suddenly a priest held Premaji's hand, pulled her from the queue and made her sit exactly where the chairman had sat!
"It was a miracle," she says.
"Lord Venkateswara had heard my thoughts.
I tell my devotees, 'Send a SMS to the Lord and if you don't get a reply, I will give up preaching.'
The Lord is not like a telephone operator busy with other lines.
He is always there for you."
At the temple, she says, one can experience powerful positive vibrations which grip you. "You forget your wife, husband, children, friends and relatives," says Premaji.
"You are moving towards the Lord and you feel that He is pulling you towards Him.
This is the experience of everybody."

When asked for a proof of God's existence, Premaji says that once Mahatma Gandhi was questioned by a reporter about whether he believed in God.
When he replied in the affirmative, the reporter asked, "Can you prove His existence?" The Mahatma replied, "No, I cannot prove it.
But to me, He is more present in this room than you."

Premaji smiles and continues. "Just ask God to give you evidence and he will do so.
But the thirst to know God should be there.
Soon you will see miracles taking place in your life."

Prema Pandurang

She recounts one such occurrence. On May 23, 1991, at Sriperumbadur, two days after Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had been assassinated, a Guruvayurappa temple was going to be inaugurated.
The Namboodiri priest had come all the way from Guruvayur to conduct the puja.
To begin the prayers he needed flowers.
"I said, 'Swamiji, where can I get flowers now?'
There is a curfew in the city.
All the shops are closed.
The army is patrolling the streets."
The priest said that he could not begin without flowers.

Suddenly, Premaji's close friend, Krishnakumar Warrier of Ayurveda Pharmacy, said, "Why don't you pray to the Lord?"
Premaji followed Krishnakumar's advice and sat in front of an idol of Lord Krishna.
She told the Lord, "I am a very small person.
This is the first temple I have built.
Is there not a single flower that I can offer to you?"

A few minutes later, when Premaji stepped out of the puja room, a villager came up and said, "Amma, do you want flowers?"
Two staff members went with him in a jeep and returned with 500 lotuses.
The Namboodiri priest said, "I have not seen so many flowers in Guruvayur itself."

Premaji pauses and says, "How can you not believe in God? In my speeches, I want people to realise that this mighty power is within us and yet we are not making use of it. You are not able to access God because you don't desire it. You are running after worldly pleasures. There is nothing wrong with that but always remember that these are the gifts from God. People tend to focus on the gifts and not the giver."

Premaji gives an example. "A mother buys a doll for her child," she says.
"The daughter is so busy hugging the doll that she has forgotten to thank the mother for the gift.
So please remember God at all times."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sani Peyarchi 2011(Mesham to Katakam)

Sani Peyarchi 2011( courtesy: Raajayogam)

Shree Sani Baghwan moves into Thula Raasi from Kanni Raasi at 12-45 PM on 14-11-2011.

As per Suddha Vaakiya Panjangam, Sani Peyarchi takes place on 21-12-2011 in the early hours.

Since the Raasi is Thulam where Sani Baghwan is exalted, the virulence with which he behaves is likely to be greater either in the positive node or in the negative node as may become applicable to each Raasi.

Sani Baghwan moves slow and steady. The good effect that Sani Baghwan gives will be a lasting one. The bad effects will be the kind of experiences that modulates or shapes up our future.

There is no sense in getting scared of Sani Baghwan giving bad effects since they are only experiences that shapes us up for a better future.

With this in view, go through our Sani Peyarchi Predictions 2011 and prepare yourself psychologically well equipped to accept what comes in.

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Mesha Raasi

Shree Sani Baghwan had been in the 6th house until now and now he moves into the 7th house.

While in the 6th house, Sani Baghwan would have given you a level of comfort in spite of all the odds.

Now time changes a little tough. Things that you have been able to do or complete with ease will now become a little difficult and you can complete them only with efforts.

The financial ease that prevailed in the past will tighten up a little and you will have to struggle for resources.

Relationships with your spose may strain in spite of best efforts. For some, the health of the spouse will give some anxiety and tension. This may even invite expenses adding to your financial burden.

Businesses will not enjoy the comfort level that has prevailed until now. Professionals will have to have a tough time satisfying their superiors or employers.

Some will have to undertake a foreign journey under duress. You may not feel comfortable about moving abroad at this point of time and yet you will be impelled to go abroad.

Some will have a compelling transfer to some undesired areas or locations and yet you will have to accept it.

Exceptionally some will have an erratic romantic relation with someone far below your status and social standing. Better avoid any romantic thinking outside your ambit and it may land you in trouble and take a stake on your personal respect and image.

In the overall, this will be a disturbing period and not a damaging period

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Rishabha Raasi

You can be at your cheers when Sani Baghwan moves from your 5th house to 6th house.

You might have suffered a separation from your family in the past. Now time changes and you can reunite with your family.

There might be unnecessary expenses - but correspondingly there will also be matching revenue to keep up a happy going.

This is time when long pending marriages are settled down. Subha Kaarya like marriage and child birth will be on the unveil.

Relationships with colleagues and superiors will by and large improve. Strained relationships will change trends.

Long expected promotions or transfers to favourable places will now work out.

The invisible enmity that has been posing threat to your progress will vanish in the thin air.

You will be able to convince or over-ride who openly oppose you, by your passive and calm approach.

Long pending or accrued liabilities can be discharged with ease. You will find financial stability and improvement.

You can succeed in the project or projects you have taken up and as well all your efforts will end up with success to your satisfaction.

Prolonged illness if any will ease out and you will find great relief in the health front.

In general this is going to be a period of all out success and happiness

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Midhuna Raasi

You are having relief from the Arthashtama Sani period. Sani Baghwan in the 4th house would have imparted untold miseries and distress in your life. Many of them are going to be the past history.

This does not infer that Sani Baghwan is going to give you all out happiness during this period.

He has relieved you from a majority of your problems. There are still times of distress and difficulties though not to the extent of Arthashtama Sani.

Businesses will restore to near normalcy and will be well within the manageable limits.

Official relationships with colleagues and superiors will strain to some extent - but will not go to a level of total misunderstanding.

There will be financial stress and yet will be within manageable limits.

There will be difficult days when you will have to separate from your family and feel the loneliness.

In some exceptional cases, there will be differences within the family and as a result there will be separation and unhappiness.

You may have to lose somebody very close to you. You will feel at loss to digest the loss of such a person.

Though financially there will not be much strain, you will have to tolerate other painful experiences from the relationships.

Be cautious about your relationships both within the family and as well within the official and social circle. There is a risk of some bad experiences which will take away your peace of mind and make you feel painful.

Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Kataga Raasi

Sani Baghwan is moving into your 4th house. Astrologically we call it a Arthaashtama Sani period. This period is supposed to render almost half the problems of Ashatama Sani.

Finances will be stressful. It will be difficult to manage the current expenses with the income.

Liabilities will increase and existing liabilities will mount pressure for repayment.

Business will be normally dull. Professionals will have a tough time with their colleagues and superiors.

In several cases, the onus of the failure committed by others will fall on your shoulders. You will become accountable for the error or mistakes of others and you will not be able to escape the responsibility.

Even a small difference may creep up to the level of a disput. It is better to refrain from arguments with friends and colleagues.

Some will have to travel abroad under distress. You may not feel comfortable in going abroad at this point of time and yet, you will be in a compelling situation to take up a journey abroad.

Some will have a painful separation from the mother and in general the family.

There will be some compelling situation that you will invest or spend money on something with the fond hope that it will later turn to be profitable.

In the end of the day you will find that the money you have spent was an utter waste. The money spent will be a loss for ever.

For some, there are probabilities that health is affected and medical expenses will be adding to the already deficit budget.

This is a time period which needs utmost caution and steady approach to problems.

Otherwise, you will have to cut a sorry figure for the fault of others.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?

1 Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?

Contrary to prevailing  misconceptions, Hindus all worship a one Supreme Being though by different names. This is because the peoples of India with different languages and cultures have understood the one God in their own distinct way. Through history there arose four principal Hindu denominations— Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism and Smartism. For Sai vites, God is Siva. For Shaktas, Goddess Shakti is supreme.

For Vaishnavites, Lord Vishnu is God. For Smartas—who see all Deities as refl ections of the One God—the choice of Deity is left to the devotee. This liberal Smarta perspective is well known, but it is not the prevailing Hindu view. Due to this diversity, Hindus are profoundly tolerant of other religions, respecting the fact that each has its own pathway to the one God. One of the unique understandings in Hinduism is that God is not far away, living in a remote heaven, but is inside each and every soul, in the heart and consciousness, waiting to be discovered. This knowing that God is always with us gives us hope and courage. Knowing the One Great God in this intimate and experiential way is the goal of Hindu spirituality. Elaboration: Hinduism is both monotheistic and henotheistic. Hindus were never polytheistic, in the sense that there are many equal Gods. Henotheism (literally "one God") better defi nes the Hindu view. It means the worship of one God without denying the existence of other Gods. We Hindus believe in the one all-pervasive God who energizes the entire universe. We can see Him in the life shining out of the eyes of humans and all creatures.

This view of God as existing in and giving life to all things is called panentheism. It is different from pantheism, which is the belief that God is the natural universe and nothing more. It is also different from strict theism which says God is only above the world,apart and transcendent. Panentheism is an all-encompassing concept. It says that God is both in the world and beyond it, both immanent and transcendent. That is the highest Hindu view. Hindus also believe in many Gods who perform various functions, like executives in a large corporation. These should not be confused with the Supreme God. These Divinities are highly advanced beings who have specifi c duties and powers—not unlike the heavenly spirits, overlords or archangels revered in other faiths. Each denomination worships the Supreme God and its own pantheon of divine beings. What is sometimes confusing to non-Hindus is that Hindus of various sects may call the one God by many different names, according to their denomination or regional tradition. Truth for the Hindu has many names, but that does not make for many truths. Hinduism gives us the freedom to approach God in our own way, encouraging a multiplicity of paths, not asking for conformity to just one. There is much confusion about this subject, even among Hindus. Learn the right terms and the subtle differences in them, and you can explain the profound ways Hindus look at Divinity.  thers will be delighted with the richness of the Indian concepts of God. You may wish to mention that some Hindus believe only in the formless Absolute Reality as God; others believe in God as personal Lord and Creator. This freedom makes the understanding of God in Hinduism, the oldest living religion, the richest in all of Earth's existing faiths.