Courtesy: Raajayogam
Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Kanni Raasi
Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Thula Raasi
Sani in Thulam is in his Uchcham status (exalted) and hence his virulence is supposed to be active and intense.
During the Janma Sani period, Sani is bound to give you health related problems. Though not serious, there will be nagging health problems during this period, which will deprive you of your focussed attention on your responsibilities. This in turn will reflect upon your relations in your work environment.
There might be some risk associated with fire during this period.
Relations with colleagues and supriors will strain and you will find a tough time with your employer. As well, if you are running your own business, this will have an impact on your relationships with your employees or sub-ordinates. They will evade responsibilities and will not be helpful in the progress of your business or profession.
Some will go nearly to the extent of quiting the job they are doing. It is better to remain calm and take a passive decision in compelling situations and try to stick on to the job.
Finances will be like walking on a tight rope. It will be difficult your manage your expenses with the available resources and you will have to raise new loan and kliabilities to keep yourself going.
Some will be impelled to undertake a foreign journey though your domestic conditions will not permit your separation. Some will have a sorrowful news from close relatives. In the overall, this is going to be a tough period ahead for another 3 years
Sani Peyarchi 2011 - Vrichiga Raasi
When Sani Baghwan enters the 12th house, the Ezharai Andu Sani period commences. The first phase of - that is when Sani is in Thula Raasi, it is called Sirasu Sani.
This period will normally will give all kinds of problems in life in such a manner that you can understand what life is.
The basic thing that this period shakes is your financial stability. Unexpected expenses will arise from unexpected quarters when you are already suffering a paucity of funds.
Expenses will over-run the income. The earning potential will shrink or even stalled and the expenses will not stop. You will have to adopt a very conservative economy in order to keep things under your control.
Your employer or superiors will turn a hard and indifferent face towards you. All the hard work you put in will not receive any recognition or appreciation. Instead, people will be keen on finding fault with your performace and will try to reduce your stability.
There might be - in some cases - a sudden loss of job or dislocation or you may be shifted to a most uncomfortable position in your office.
Some people will have to seek a foeign job in order to keep the situation under control. Such persons will have to leave their family under distress and you will not have any other option except accepting the foreign opportunity. A foreign employment will give you some relief from the economic distress and yet, it will not totally offset the economic crisis.
Be cautious that you do not spend money on account of a foreign job. This will be a risky factor during this time period. You may have to lose the money.
Mental tension and strain will prevail and you should be courageous enough to withstand the test of time.
Do not venture into any new business during this period. It will end up in a debacle.
In the nutshell, you should be prepared to face a tough time ahead